Mono no aware

September 22, 2020 The first day of Fall, the Autumn Equinox

 Mono no aware is a Japanese concept describing transience and the feelings that arise with it. Transient like the season of autumn, changing with the expanding summer energy contracting toward the depths of winter. It is the  awareness of the impermanence, the bittersweet remembrances of saying goodbye. Fall is transition. We prepare for the winter by releasing what we no longer need or what no longer serves us.

 In practicing  Yoga we bring awareness to our bodies, moving mindfully with care and focus. We open our joints, we expand our ribs and breathe, we move forth with more prana, more life force, more grounded. We build a more resilient stillness and support our ability to be totally aware and present in the moment. Accepting of life as it is presented and not daunted by the illusion of the future or the sadness of the past.